Rapid Testing at Airports to Replace Mandatory Quarantine for International Albertan Travelers

Rapid testing arrives in YYC on November 2

Starting on November 2, Alberta residents and eligible international travelers arriving on a non-stop flight into Calgary can take a rapid test for COVID-19 and possibly reduce their mandatory quarantine to as little as 2 days with a negative test. This includes guests who are connecting to airports within Alberta and essential foreign travelers staying within the province for at least 14 days after arrival.

The Government of Alberta and Government of Canada have agreed on a 26-week pilot project that will make YYC the exclusive airport for Canada’s first quarantine reduction project that will allow testing to take place on arrival from all international destinations, to reduce quarantine to as little as 2 days from 14 days.

After taking the rapid test, guests must:

stay within Alberta after their arrival

enter quarantine until test results are delivered in as little as 2 days

If the results are negative, guests are no longer required to stay at home. If results are positive, the 14-day quarantine is still required.

commit to submitting a second test after 6-7 days for validation and data collection

provide daily check-ins

avoid large events and senior care facilities

wear a mask in public

**This pilot project may be restricted or broadened at any point as the Governments of Canada and Alberta evaluate through the trial.

Guests who do not participate in the pilot must adhere to the 14-day quarantine.


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